Group Exercise Schedule

Ultimate ZUMBA / Total Barre Fusion
Wednesday 09 July 2014, 09:00am - 10:00am
Hits : 36289

This NEW class combines our popular Zumba Toning class with elements of Zumba Sentao and the hottest new fitness trend, Total Barre.Zumba Sentao takes the thrill of the fitness party and partners it with  explosive chair based choreography to strengthen, balance, and stabalize your core.Round out this unique class with elements of Total Barre, a high energy format guiding you through small repetitive movements to music which challenges the depper stabalizing muscles toning the hips, abdomen, arms, and legs. You won't find this class anywhere else!
Location Studio A

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    409 Glendale Drive
    Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia B4C 2T6

    (902) 869-4141
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