Group Exercise Schedule

Thursday 11 September 2014, 06:00pm - 06:45pm
Hits : 9193

Zumba gold takes the Zumba formula and modifies the moves and pacing to suit the needs of the active older participant, as well as those just starting their journey to a fit and healthy lifestyle. What stays the same are all the elements the Zumba Fitness Party is known for: the zesty latin music, like salsa and merenque, the exhilerating, easy to follow moves, and the invigorating, party like atmosphere. Zumba Gold brings camaraderie, excitement and fitness as a regular part of your weekly schedule. Zumba Gold is a dance fitness class that feels friendly, and most of all, fun! Held in Studio B.

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    409 Glendale Drive
    Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia B4C 2T6

    (902) 869-4141
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