Group Exercise Schedule
07:30am - 08:25am Hatha Yoga :: Group Exercise
08:00am Please note the Sackville Sports Stadium will be closed on Monday, September 30th in recognition of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation :: Group Exercise
09:00am - 10:00am Aquafit (Moderate) - No Class on Dec. 26 :: Group Exercise
09:00am - 09:55am Step :: Group Exercise
10:15am - 11:15am Aquafit (High) - No Class Dec. 25, Dec 26, and Jan. 1 :: Group Exercise
06:00pm - 06:55pm Strength HIIT :: Group Exercise
07:00pm - 07:55pm Zumba :: Group Exercise
07:30pm - 08:30pm Aquafit (High) :: Group Exercise